Engineering Class VEX Shenanigans

While the Principles of Engineering class is by no means structured or organized in any way, it is probably the class that I have the most fun in. With our VEX project, we never really had any restrictions, and were able to build anything we wanted. We chose to tackle the project of building a Snow plow(And also added some extras)

The robot itself includes 4 wheel drive, with each motor mounted within its own frame. Horizontal standoffs prevent the baseplate from folding inward on its own weight. The robot also includes two more motors, to operate the door of a tray(supposedly for dumping salt on the icy roads, as if it ever snows here), as well as for a makeshift plow(all hypotheticals, as it rarely rains in southern California, much less snows).
Video demo of our robot! Quality is terrible due to Iphone compression, and also mind the commentary 😅
For fun, I also chose to build a servo powered gun turret that fires rubber bands in bursts, much to the derision of my teammates. As a whole, this robot is pretty massive, and was definitely fun to build in class as a means of goofing off.