3D printed Halo Prop

After attending LA Comicon in my ODST costume, I was inspired to use my 3d printers to build a HALO magnum prop, after seeing many being sold there. I was initially going to buy one, but decided to design and build my own, as it’d be more fun, and I’d also have a nice sense of ownership.

First, I found some references online of the in game weapon, and then quickly modeled it in blender. The prop is quite box shaped in the first place, so doing so wasn’t much of a challenge at all, even as a blender beginner.

After chopping the file into 5 chunks, I printed them all, and then glued them together with concrete cement, as you can see above. There were quite a few gaps however, which would need to be patched with putty.

To finish off the prop, I painted it the accurate in game colors by hand. To sell the effect, I added scuff and scratch marks on all of the edges using silver paint, making it seem more realistic and battle damaged.

I scaled the 3d print to be accurate to the in game one, and it ended up being really huge, as you can see with my hand for scale. I guess it makes sense, seeing that the in game characters wielding these are 7 feet tall giants.