RC Type-R design

RC Type-R design

While on my vacation to China, I bought a 1/32 toy Type-R, my favorite car model. It was actually kind of funny to me, how I returned to my younger self, playing with toy cars that I would’ve enjoyed as a 5 year old. But oh well, who would judge me anyway. After returning to…

Salmon Onigiri, Kota Imai

Salmon Onigiri, Kota Imai

Designer: Kota ImaiPaper: 12 inch kami paperFinished: June 14, 2024I recently visited Japan(I’m in China at the moment as of posting this), so I decided it’d be fitting to fold a sushi roll to commemorate the trip. This was a pretty easy model, from a 32*32 box pleat, but the result is super cool and…

Laser Cut Food Truck School Project

Laser Cut Food Truck School Project

For my English 10 Honors final assignment, we were tasked with building a food truck for a project. I had recently gotten a laser cutter attachment for my printer, and decided that there would be no better time than now to test it out. I put a decent amount of time into the project, but…

Violin, Gen Hagiwara

Violin, Gen Hagiwara

Designer: Gen HagiwaraPaper: 4.25 * 13 inch Origamido Paper Finished: April 28, 2024I made this little violin for my friend Ashlee’s 18th birthday. She’s majoring in music, so I thought that it’d be fitting. It’s a pretty simple fold, and I chose to use some fancy paper that I bought from little Tokyo, due to…

F2 Fighter Jet, Kominami Hiroshi(Origami-Colonel on youtube)

F2 Fighter Jet, Kominami Hiroshi(Origami-Colonel on youtube)

Designer: Kominami HiroshiPaper: 6 inch kami paperFinished: March 25, 2024I folded this little fighter jet on the bus ride back to my hometown during my orchestra trip to San-Francisco. The trip itself was super fun, but I found myself getting bored staring at the landscapes on the 7 hour drive, so I decided to fold…

Cat, Shigeru Mitsuda

Cat, Shigeru Mitsuda

Designer: Shigeru MitsudaPaper: 6 inch kami paperFinished: March 22, 2024 I love this model, as it’s easy to fold, while also be very cute. I usually memorize a model or two to impress people, and this one is probably one of my favorite to make for others. The folding sequence is satisfying and fun, and…

3d Printed Violin

3d Printed Violin

3d Printed Violin This is my 3d printed violin. It took around a week to build, and is very fun to play on. The files themselves are designed by OpenFab PDX, as a part of their modular fiddle series of 3d printable models. Overall, other than some sanding of the neck, as well as insertion…